Redefining Success: Why Your Mental Health Should Be Top Priority
Many of us have been conditioned to define success in narrow terms - having a prestigious career, making lots of money, driving a nice car, owning a big house. These superficial status symbols are often associated with being "successful" in life. However, basing your self-worth solely on external validation and material possessions can take a toll on your mental health. It's time we redefine what true success means.
Your mental and emotional well-being should be your top priority in life. Without good mental health, it's difficult to find enjoyment, purpose, and meaning. No amount of money, awards, or recognition can compensate for inner turmoil, loneliness, emptiness, anxiety, and depression. True success means feeling content, satisfied, purposeful, resilient, and at peace. It's about nurturing your spirit, mind, and emotions.
The Problem With Chasing External Validation
Many people relentlessly chase promotions, salary raises, bonuses, and accolades thinking it will make them happy. But research shows that the positive feelings from external validation quickly fade. That's because nothing external can fill an internal void.
If your sense of self-worth relies solely on what others think about you, you'll always feel insecure and inadequate. Basing your success on unstable external conditions creates an endless chase that leads to burnout.
Be Wary of Workaholism
Our careers don't define our worth. But it's easy to become obsessed with work at the expense of health, relationships, leisure, and spirituality. Workaholism has almost become a status symbol today. However, being addicted to work often stems from an unconscious attempt to compensate for deeper emotional voids.
Pushing yourself too hard for too long leads to chronic stress, which can cause serious mental health issues like anxiety, depression, insomnia, emotional breakdown, and suicide.
Success Shouldn't Compromise Mental Health
No job, award, or money is worth jeopardizing mental stability for. Yet our professional culture glamorizes and even rewards those who drive themselves into the ground. Celebrity culture also fuels the narrative that success always demands struggle.
However, being manic and distressed shouldn't be the norm. Good mental health is necessary for optimal performance, decision-making, creativity, relationships, and overall wellness. It's time to change our definition of success so it doesn't come at the cost of mental health.
Nurture Intrinsic Motivation
Rather than looking to others for approval, focus inward. Tune into your innate desires, interests, and passions. Intrinsic motivation stems from within. It's not about chasing arbitrary benchmarks of success imposed by society.
But unfortunately, many people subordinate their interests to fit some preconceived career mold. This gradually deadens that inner spark of joy. Make decisions that align with your values and quirks rather than external shoulds and musts. Your uniqueness is what you bring to the table.
Relationships Over Wealth
People inherently crave meaningful companionship. Yet in the pursuit of professional and financial success, people end up isolated and lonely. Make nurturing relationships a priority.
Spend quality time with loved ones. Bonding through authentic vulnerable conversations, shared activities, and cooperative experiences activates feel-good hormones that boost mental wellness. Close supportive relationships act as emotional anchors during challenging times.
Achieve Work-Life Balance
While work provides structure, economic security, and sometimes purpose, overidentifying with a professional role can become problematic. Set clear boundaries and take regular breaks. Don't let work bleed into all areas of life until there's no separation.
Engage in non-work activities that provide joy and respite from demanding responsibilities. Take regular vacations to prevent burnout. Take care of your physical self through proper sleep, nutrition, and exercise which directly impacts mental health.
Adopt Healthy Coping Strategies
Life involves inevitable ups and downs. Having unhealthy coping strategies like smoking, excessive drinking, lashing out, or self-isolation during difficulties can exacerbate pain. Develop tools and techniques like meditating, journaling, creative hobbies, speaking to mentors, counseling, or joining support groups.
Learn to lean on loved ones, identify triggers, reframe situations positively, and be gentler with yourself during setbacks. The ability to adaptively cope protects your mental health when things get tough.
Redefine What Success Means To You
Societal definitions of success are often rigid and outdated but don't have to dictate your self-worth. Redefine what success means on your own terms - perhaps it's being a present parent, following your purpose, overcoming adversity, leaving a positive legacy, or upholding values. Outward appearances and achievements ultimately do little to fulfill inner needs.
Prioritize self-care and nurturing relationships over chasing validation and applause. Your mental health forms the very foundation of your identity and overall quality of life. Making it number one enables you to show up as your best self in all areas.